109: Julia Norgaard on the Online Black Market for Drugs and Why Detection Rates are Low
Julia Norgaard is a Ph.D. Candidate in Economics at George Mason University.
Julia is also a Ph.D. Fellow at the Mercatus Center and a Graduate Lecturer at George Mason University.
Her interests include development and institutional economics as well as public choice.
Julia’s teaching include Managerial Economics, Public Choice Economics, Economic Development of Developing Nations and Economies in Transition.
She received her Masters degree in economics from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia in 2015. Julia graduated with a B.A. in economics with a minor in mathematics from The University of San Diego in 2012.
In this episode you will learn:
- about the online black market for drugs.
- how the anonymity of the deep web creates the a market for illegal drugs.
- whether prices for drugs are different if bought online or on the ground.
- how the online drugs market is pretty much like shopping an Amazon, where drugs are packaged extremely well and, of course, you can leave positive and negative reviews for the buyers based.
- why online sites selling cannabis are being shut down by the regulators even though they offer more an efficient and knowledgeable market.
- the low detection and seizure rates of dugs packages.
- the black market exchange rate and the determination of inflation rates.
- the economics of the Jungle Book.
- why concert ticket sellers don’t price discrimination and the growth of ticket scalping online.
Writing Tips:
- Write every single day – James Stacey Taylor
- Economics is everywhere. If you’re out and you think about something, email it to yourself through your phone and place it in a folder such as ‘Research Ideas’.
Where to Find Julia:
- Free To Choose by Milton and Rose Friedman
- Economics Facts and Fallacies by Thomas Sowell
- The Calculus of Consent by James Buchanan (free ebook)
- Lawlessness and Economics by Avinash Dixit (free ebook)
- Codes of the Underworld: How Criminals Communicate by Diego Gambetta
- Private Governance: Creating Order in Economic and Social Life by Edward Peter Stringham
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Very interesting! I probably wouldn’t ever need to visit, but it is very enticing knowing that there is an underworld!